The Story

I began my pharmacy journey at the University of the Pacific where I earned my PharmD. Degree. I was excited for the opportunity to make a difference in people's lives as a healthcare provider. But after spending years working in a retail pharmacy, I began to notice how the prescription pick up line is the number one time consuming aspect of pharmacy operations. I yearned for a better way to make use of valuable time. Time that can be spent improving the patient experience and making a difference in their health. This is what led to the development of SpeedRx. A true on demand prescription delivery platform that facilitates just that, and allows pharmacies to fill more scripts, answer more phone calls, vaccinate the public, and improve the everyday workflow of pharmacy operations, all which directly correlate to improved patient health and satisfaction.

The Team

  • Ahmad Nassef, PharmD

    Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer

  • Mohammad Fahad Sheikh, M.S.

    Chief Technological Officer

  • Khaled Saleh, D.O.

    Co-founder & Marketing and Recruitment

  • Mohammed Arman

    Co-founder & Driver Recruitment and Development